expense of postage, of porterage and freight, of
stationery for the use of the office, of menial ser-
vice and assistance, of advertising and printing,
and all other incidental expenses, one thousand
five hundred dollars ; for same expenses, for the
years eighteen hundred and sixty and eighteen
hundred and sixty-one, and for stationery of de-
partments omitted in appropriation bills for those
years, three thousand and seventy dollars ; for
augmentation of Library five hundred dollars ;
for rebinding valuable books in the Library, to be
expended under direction of committee of House
on Library, five hundred dollars ; for publishing
the list of officers in default to the State, two
thousand dollars ; to the cost of printing the an-
nual report of the Comptroller of the Treasury,
six hundred dollars ; to the expense of advertising
list of foreign Insurance Agents, two hundred
dollars ; to the expense of fuel and lights, three
thousand dollars ; for the postage of the Executive
and Treasury Departments, two thousand dollars ;
to the expense of distributing bound copies of
Maryland Reports, to the Clerks and Registers of
Wills of this State, fifty dollars; to the Libra-
rian for compensation in pursuance of resolution
number twelve, of eighteen hundred and thirty-
three, seventy-five dollars.
To the Secretary of the Senate, three hundred
dollars ; to the Chief Clerk of the House of Dele-
gates, three hundred dollars; to pay the members
of the Senate and House of Delegates, their offi-
cers and attendants, the yearly salaries of the Sec-
tary of the Senate, and the Chief Clerk of the
House excepted ; and also for the contingent ex-
penses of the special session of the General As-
sembly, including the cost of printing, twenty
thousand dollars ; for the same items for the regu-
lar session of January, eighteen hundred and
sixty-two, sixty thousand dollars; for the postage
of the members of the General Assembly, includ-
the Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the
House, fifteen hundred dollars ; for binding the
laws, journals, and documents of the present Ses-
sion, one thousand two hundred dollars ; for dis-
tributing bound copies of the laws, journals, and
Sums appro-