Sums appro-
Article of the Constitution, three thousand dol-
lars ; to the payment of Commissions of Attor-
neys, five thousand dollars.
To the Adjutant General of Maryland Militia,
one thousand dollars ; to the Armorer at Freder-
ick, three hundred dollars ; to the Armorer at
Easton, three hundred dollars ; for the payment of
pensions granted by the resolutions of the Gene-
ral Assembly, two thousand five hundred dollars.
To the State Tobacco Inspections in Baltimore,
including the salaries of Inspectors of Tobacco,
six thousand dollars ; for insurance on Tobacco
Warehouses in Baltimore, five hundred dollars.
To donations to Colleges, Academies and Schools,
twenty-three thousand dollars ; to the payment of
the several sums of money to be distributed among
the counties according to law, for the use of
Free Schools, including bonus from Banks, divi-
dends from bank stock standing to the credit of
the Free School Fund, and so much of the tax
on passengers on the Washington Branch of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, as has been substi-
tuted for surplus revenue, sixty-three thousand
six hundred dollars ; to the education of the Indi-
gent Blind, in addition to the fund already
accumulated for that purpose, six thousand dol-
lars ; to the education of the Deaf and Dumb, five
thousand dollars ; to the Agricultural College, six
thousand dollars.
To the executive, for the Contingent Fund pro-
vided in the Constitution to be placed at his dis-
posal, six thousand dollars ; to the Contingent Ex-
pense of the Treasury Department, one thousand
dollars ; to the printing of blank licenses and pro-
tests for the Comptroller, two thousand dollars; to
the Contingent Fund of the Library, including the