also be evidence that, upon a bill regularly filed
and duly sustained by proof, the said real estate
was decreed to be sold by said court.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT appropriating a sum of money to pay the
claims of John de la Camp, R. V. Clayton, B.
H. Spencer, George Johnson, E. G. Hyde, Hay-
ward, Bartlett & Co., Samuel Stewart, P. C.
Clayton, J. H. Skinner, Noah Porter, J. Wes-
ley White, H. A. Hager, John H. Longnecker,
Edwin M. Shipley, G. M. Taylor, Larmour &
Co., James Sheehy, Thomas E. Dell and John
Murphy & Co., T. Yates Walsh and Hiss &
Passed March
8, 1862.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Comptroller be and he
is hereby directed to issue his warrant upon the
Treasurer to pay John de la Camp, or order, four
hundred and two dollars, being balance due him
for services rendered in running the boundary line
between Maryland and Virginia; also, to pay R.
V. Clayton, B. H. Spencer and George Johnson,
or order, fifty dollars each for assorting and classi-
fying chancery papers in the Court of Appeals ; to
pay E. G. Hyde, or order, thirty-three dollars and
ninety-eight cents for sundries furnished for use of
the State by order of the Librarian ; to pay Hay-
ward, Bartlett & Co., or order, twenty dollars
and fifty cents for material furnished for repairs
on State House ; to pay Samuel Stewart, or or-
der, six dollars and seventy-five cents for repairs
on State House ; to pay P. C. Clayton, or order,
forty-eight dollars seventy-five cents for work done
on State House grounds ; to pay J. H. Skinner,
Sums appro-
priated; Comp-
troller autho-
rized to issue
warrant, &c.