Sums appro
priated, &c.
or order, twenty dollars thirty-seven cents for ma-
terial and work on State House grounds ; to pay
Noah Porter, or order, one dollar and fifty cents
for work on State House ; to pay J. Wesley White,
or order, one hundred six dollars and thirteen
cents for sundries furnished for use of the State
by order of the Librarian ; to pay H. A. Hager, or
order, ten dollars for services as Porter to the
Librarian at Frederick ; to pay John H. Long-
necker, or order, twenty-two dollars for advertis-
ing done by order of the Governor ; to pay Edwin
M. Shipley, or order, one hundred and fifty dol-
lars for distributing Legislative Documents ; to
pay G. M. Taylor, or order, eighty-six dollars and
one cent for work done on gas fixtures in the State
House; to pay Larmour & Co., or order, sixty
dqllars for clock in Library, and repairs ; to pay
Llewelyn Boyle, assignee of James Sheehy, or or-
der, ninety-one dollars fifty cents for binding done
by order of the Librarian ; to pay John Murphy
& Co., or order, one hundred sixteen dollars forty
cents for copies of the State Constitution furnished
by order of the Librarian ; to pay Thomas E.
Dell, or order, twenty-eight dollars twenty-five
cents for binding done by order of the Librarian ;
and one hundred fifty dollars for T. Yates Walsh
for legal services rendered by order of the Comp-
troller in the case of the State vs. N. Hickman and
his securities ; and twenty-four dollars fifty cents
to Hiss & Austin for lounge, &c., for the Speaker's