Passed March
10, 1862.
AN ACT for the relief of Sarah A. Reynolds,
formerly Sarah A. Denny, of New Castle county,
in the State of Delaware, by authorizing the
Circuit Court for Cecil county to direct a con-
veyance of certain real estate, lying and being
in Cecil county, Maryland, sold to her by John
B. Rowan, trustee, and making certain docket
entries, of said court, evidence.
WHEREAS, It appears by the docket entries in the
Circuit Court for Cecil county, in chancery, in
the case of Charles K. McDonald and Sarah A.
Denny against Samuel Denny and others, that
John B. Rowan, as trustee, was authorised to
sell the real estate of Daniel Denny, deceased,
lying in Cecil county ; and whereas, also, it ap-
pears from said docket entries, that the said real
estate was sold by the said trustee, and said sale
confirmed by the court, but all the papers of the
said court, connected with the said cause, have
been lost and cannot be found, and the said
trustee having left the State of Maryland, Sarah
A. Reynolds, who claims to have purchased said
real estate from the said trustee, cannot obtain
a conveyance ; therefore,
of Trustee to
convey real
estate autho-
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Circuit Court be and is
hereby authorised and empowered, upon proof made
to the said court, by the production of the receipts
of the said trustee, to the said Sarah A. Reynolds,
for the purchase money of the said real estate,
and other sufficient proof of such sale and pay-
ment, to appoint a trustee to convey the said real
estate to the purchaser thereof.
Docket entries
legal evidence,
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the docket
entries of the said court, in the said cause, shall
be as good evidence of the bill of complaint hav-
ing been filed, and of the objects of the bill and
the parties thereto, and of a decree having been
passed, as the original papers or a copy of the re-
cord would be, if regularly filed and recorded in
said court ; and that the said docket entries shall