have been inspected, passed, branded, or otherwise
distinctly marked as aforesaid, by a Flour Inspec-
tor as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay for each and
every offence, the sum of five dollars; provided
nevertheless, that Wheat Flour, Rye Flour and
Corn Meal; passing through said city as freight,
in transitu to another part of the United States,
shall not be liable to such inspection.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if any person
other than an Inspector of Flour, duly authorized
to act as such, shall erase, remove, deface or alter,
or cause to be erased, removed, defaced or altered,
the brand or other mark, or any material part of
the brand or other mark, heretofore placed or
which hereafter may be placed, by any Inspector
of Flour, duly authorized to act, on any barrel or
half barrel of Wheat Flour, or Rye Flour, or
Corn Meal, he shall forfeit and pay, for each and
every offence, the sum of five dollars.
Removal of
brands on bar-
rels prohibited
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the standard
weight of every barrel of Wheat Flour, of Rye
Flour and of Corn Meal, shall be one hundred
and ninety-six pounds, over and above all tare,
and of every half barrel, ninety-eight pounds,
over and abcve all tare ; and that the tare of every
barrel and every half barrel containing Wheat
Flour, Rye Flour or Corn Meal, offered for inspec-
tion, shall be truly and plainly marked thereon,
and in case the tare shall be falsely marked on
any barrel or half barrel, every person so marking
the same, or knowingly permitting the same to be
so marked, and every person knowing such false
marking, who shall omit to make known the same
to the Inspector to whom the same may be offered
for inspection, shall forfeit and pay for each and
every offence, the sum of twenty dollars ; and in
every case, when the Inspector to whom any bar-
rel or half barrel shall be offered for inspection,
shall suspect any false taring, he shall cause the
contents thereof to be started, and the barrel or
half barrel to be weighed, for the purpose of as-
certaining the actual tare ; and in every case where
the Inspector shall suspect that the actual con-
tents of any barrel or half barrel, over and above
all tare, is under the standard weight aforesaid,
he shall unpack the same ; and if the actual quan-
tity therein contained, over and above all tare,
weights — pro-
isions against
fraud, &c.