shall prove to be of the standard weight, he shall
carefully respect the same, without any charge or
expense to the owner thereof; but if the same
shall be found to be under the standard weight,
the said Inspector shall add such quantity, of
flour or meal, as the case may be, of the like char-
acter and quality, as may be necessary to make
the contents equal to the said standard weight ;
and the persons or person by whom or on whose
behalf the said barrel or half barrel shall have
been offered for inspection, shall pay for the first
pound so added, the sum of ten cents, for the se-
cond pound, the sum of fifteen cents, for the third
pound, the sum of twenty cents, and for each ad-
ditional pound, the sum of twenty-five cents, and
at the same rates for any fraction of a pound, to
be paid by the person or persons, by whom or in
whose behalf the said barrel or half barrel shall
have been offered for inspection.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the forfeitures
hereinbefore mentioned, shall be paid to the In-
spector General of Flour for Baltimore city ; and
the same shall be accounted for to the State, by
said Inspector General ; and in case of any refusal
to pay the amount of all, any forfeitures may be
recovered in the name of the State, together with
legal costs before a Justice of the Peace.