their corporate seal, and all deeds by them made
for the conveyance of lands and tenements of the
corporation, which, by the law of the State, ought
to be acknowledged and recorded, shall be signed
and sealed, as aforesaid, and shall also be acknow-
ledged, in due form, by the trustees as such, in be-
half of the corporation ; and all acts or deeds of
the said body corporate, so authenticated, shall be
valid and effectual in law.
authorized to
purchase real
and personal
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the said corpor-
ation shall be capable of purchasing hereafter real
and personal property, not exceeding in value the
sum of twenty thousand dollars.
in force.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Passed March
10, 1862.
AN ACT to regulate the inspection of Wheat
Flour, Rye Flour and Corn Meal, in the city of
Baltimore, and to prevent frauds on purchasers.
Inspection of
flour and meal.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That each and every barrel and
each and every half barrel of Wheat Flour, of
Rye Flour and of Corn Meal, which shall be
offered for sale in the city of Baltimore, or which
shall be sent therefrom, sold or unsold, either by
land or water, to any other place, whether manu-
factured within the limits of said city or elsewhere,
shall first be inspected, passed and branded, or
otherwise distinctly marked by one of the Flour
Inspectors for the city of Baltimore, unless the
same shall previously have been duly inspected,
passed and branded, or otherwise distinctly marked
by a Flour Inspector in Frederick city, or Wil-
liamsport, or in Havre-de-Grace ; and every per-
son who shall offer for sale in Baltimore city, or
shall send therefrom, sold or unsold, to any other
place, any barrel or half barrel of Wheat Flour,
of Rye Flour, or of Corn Meal, which shall not