removal or otherwise, the remaining Commissioners
shall cause an election to be held to supply the
same, and ten days previous notice shall be given
of such election.
Sec. 5. If the citizens of said town at any time
neglect to make an election at the time before
mentioned, the power of electing Commissioners
shall not therefor cease ; but the power of the in-
habitants of said town in that respect, shall con-
tinue the same, as though such an election had been
made, and the Commissioners for the time being
shall continue and remain in office until such elec-
tion shall be held.
Failure to
make an elec-
tion — power of
Sec. 6. The said Commissioners may levy and
collect taxes in said town, not exceeding in any
one year, fifteen cents in the hundred dollars, on
the assessable property of said town, and for the
purpose of making said levy, they shall, once in
every three years, or oftener if they think proper,
appoint an assessor, who shall under oath, value,
appraise and assess the property in said town.
ers authorized
to levy taxes
and appoint
Sec. 7. If any of the owners of property assessed
within said town shall conceive themselves ag-
grieved by the assessment made by said assessor,
they may appeal to the said Burgess and Commis-
sioners, who may make such deduction from the
valuation of their property, as to them shall seem
just and proper.
Sec. 8 The said Commissioners may pass all by-
laws and ordinances necessary to give effect and
operation to all the powers vested in them and the
corporation may impose fines and forfeitures for
the breach of their by-laws and ordinances, and
recover the same in the name of said corporation,
before any Justice of the Peace of said county, as
other fines and forfeitures are now recovered ; but
no ordinance of the said Commissioners shall im-
pose a fine or forfeiture for any offence of more
than ten dollars.
Powers and
duties of Com-
missioners, &c.
Sec. 9. If any person shall refuse or neglect to
pay any taxes, fines or forfeitures imposed upon
them by any ordinance of said corporation, the
said Commissioners may collect the same in the
same manner and with the same costs as small debts.
Taxes — how
Sec. 10. The said Commissioners may make al
By-laws, &c.