Passed March
10, 1862.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Oakland in
Allegany county, Maryland.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the inhabitants of the town of
Oakland in Allegany county, are a body corporate
by the name of the Burgess and Commissioners of
Oakland, and by that name may have perpetual
succession, may sue and be sued/and have and use .
a common seal.
Town limits.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the limits of
said town, shall begin at a stone marked eight
hundred and forty-one, said stone being the be-
ginning of Military lot, number eight hundred
and forty-one, and running thence north, sixty-
seven degrees west one hundred and sixty perches,
south twenty-three degrees west two hundred
perches, south sixty-seven degrees east ten perches
to the summit of the "Hooppole Ridge," thence
with the summit of said ridge, south sixty-seven
degrees, east one hundred and fifty perches ; north
twenty-three degrees, east one hundred and seven-
teen perches ; thence to the place of beginning; the.
Commissioners of the town may make such altera-
tions in the corporate limits as they may deem
proper, and cause the same to be surveyed, and
the boundaries thereof to be established, and a
record thereof to be filed amongst the records of
the corporation.
Election of
Burgess and
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the male citi-
zens of the town, twenty-one years of age, having
resided therein six months, and any such citizen
of this State who owns a house and lot in the
town, shall on the first Monday in May next, and
annually thereafter on the same day, elect four
Commissioners and a Burgess for Oakland, to serve
one year from the date of their election, and until
their successors are elected and qualified ; the Bur-
gess and Commissioners must be resident citizens
of the corporate limits, and shall receive no pay
for their services.
Vacancies —
hew filled.
Sec. 4. If any vacancy shall occur in the office
of Burgess or Commissioner, by death, resignation,