shall apply to all cases covered by this act, and
that this act shall not apply to debts contracted
after the tenth day of May next.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the period al-
lowed by this act, and said, act of eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-one, chapter seventeen, shall not
be computed as a portion of the three years within
which an execution may issue on any judgment,
or decree to which the stay of execution, pro-
vided for by this act or the said act of eighteen
hundred and sixty-one, chapter seventeen, is ap-
This act — time
of operation,
how computed.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That where any ex-
ecution had been levied upon personal property at
the'time when said act of eighteen hundred and
sixty-one, chapter seventeen, went into effect, and
sale was stayed under such execution by said act,
the officer serving said execution shall not be held
responsible for said property, unless he shall have
taken and held said property in his actual poses-
Officers re-
leased from re-
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That nothing in this
act or the act of which this is amendatory shall
apply to judgments or decrees, rendered in favor
of the State or in any way affect, limit, or restrain
attachments on warrant, or judgment against
the lands, goods, and chattels, rights, and credits
of non-residents or absconding debtors, as prac-
ticed under existing laws.
and abscond-
ing debtors.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That nothing con-
tained in this act nor in the said act of which this
is amendatory, shall be construed to prevent the
sale of any real or personal estate under any de-
cree or order heretofore passed, or that may be
hereafter passed upon a creditor's bill, where all
the parties to the cause -wherein such decree or or-
der has been or may be passed, shall agree to such
sale, by consent in writing, to be signed by said
parties, or their attorney, or attorneys, and in
case any of said parties may be infants, by the
guardian, or guardians, of such infants, and to be
filed in such cause.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the tenth day of May next.
In force.