First Con-
gressional dis
80. The first Congressional district shall be
composed of Worcester county, Somerset county,
Dorchester county, Talbot county, Caroline coun-
ty, Queen Anne's county, Kent county, and Cecil
county, and shall be entitled to choose one Repre-
Second Con-
gressional dis-
81. The second Congressional district shall be
composed of Harford county, the fifth, sixth,
seventh, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth dis-
tricts of Baltimore county, and the first seven
wards of Baltimore city, and shall be entitled to
choose one Representative.
Third Con-
gressional dis
82. The third Congressional district shall be
composed of the wards of Baltimore city, from the
eighth to the twentieth, inclusive, and shall be en-
titled to choose one Representative.
Fourth Con-
gressional dis-
83. The fourth Congressional district shall be
composed of Allegany county, Washington coun-
ty, Frederick county, and Carroll county, and
shall be entitled to choose one Representative.
Fifth Con-
gressional dis-
84. The fifth Congressional district shall be
composed of St. Mary's county, Charles county,
Calvert county, Anne Arundel county, with the
city of Annapolis, Prince George's county, Mont-
gomery county, Howard county, and the first,
second, third, fourth, eighth, and thirteenth dis-
tricts of Baltimore county, and shall be entitled to
choose one Representative.
Separate re-
85. The return judges of the elections of Repre-
sentatives to Congress of the first, second, third,
fourth, eighth, and thirteenth districts of Balti-
more county shall make a return separate from the
return to be made by the return judges of the re-
maining seven districts, and the return judges of
the first seven wards of the city of Baltimore shall
make a return separate from the return to be made
by the judges of the remaining thirteen wards.