Duty of com
missioners ;
plat of road,
148. Whenever the said Commissioners shall
deem it expedient that any of the public roads in
said county shall be re-surveyed, they shall ap-
point three persons, not interested, nor holding
lands through which said road may pass, and the
persons so appointed, or a majority of them after
giving thirty days public notice thereof, shall
meet on the premises, and re-survey and mark and
bound such public road, according to the best evi-
dence they can obtain of the location thereof,
either by examination of witnesses, or by reference
to former surveys, or by personal inspection of
such road and in the absence of other sufficient
and satisfactory evidence, the said persons so ap-
pointed as aforesaid are authorized to adopt the
centre of such road as the centre thereof according
to its true location, and to mark and bound such
road accordingly, giving it the proper width to
which it may be entitled, being not less than thir-
ty feet in any case, and they shall make and return
to the said county Commissioners a plat of such
road, with a full report of their proceedings under
their hands.
Examiners re-
quired to take
149. The said examiners before they proceed to
act shall take an oath to execute the trust reposed
in them by the Commissioners to them issued,
faithfully and without favor, affection or partiali-
ty, which oath shall be endorsed on the commis-
sion and return.
Appeals, judg-
ments, &c.
150. After the expiration of ten days from the
return of the examiners, the said county Commis-
sioners, upon hearing and considering any objec-
tion that may be made, shall proceed to pass judg-
ment thereon, and affirm or reject the same, or
order it to be amended in their discretion, and
may continue over their proceedings to their next
meeting and so from time to time, so long as they
shall in their judgment think such continuance
necessary for the purposes of justice, and the final
judgment of said Commissioners, or of the judg-
ment of the Circuit Court in the event of an ap-
peal by any person interested in relation to such
road or roads, and the plat thereof as confirmed
by said judgment, shall be recorded among the
land records of said county by the clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court in a separate book, to be by him pro-
vided for that purpose, and for such recording the