said clerk shall be entitled to charge, and be paid
by said county Commissioners, according to the
rate for recording such matters, authorized by
law, and the re-survey of such road or roads as es-
tablished and confirmed by the judgment of the
said county Commissioners, or of the Judge of the
Circuit Court in the event of an appeal, or certi-
fied copies of the record thereof, shall be taken
and received as full and sufficient evidence of the
true location of said roads.
AN ACT to incorporate the Chesapeake Marine
Produce Company.
Passed March
10, 1862.
WHEREAS, the Marine productions of the Chesa-
peake Bay, inclusive of wild fowl, fish, oysters,
terrapins, &c., are daily increasing in value,
and may with enlarged facilities, become of great
commercial importance to a large class of citizens
of this State, therefore :
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That M. C. Pierce, James
W. Veazey, Thomas V. Ward, William Sham-
berg, Alexander Brashears, J. H. Furguson, Wil-
liam Alien, Patrick Reilly and others, their suc-
cessors and assigns, be and they are hereby created
and made a body politic and corporate, by the name
and title of the Chesapeake Marine Produce Com-
pany, and by that name shall have perpetual suc-
cession, and shall be capable in law to sue and be
sued, in any court of law or equity, to have and
use a common seal, and generally to do all such
acts as shall be proper and necessary for the pur-
pose of employing one or more steamboats to navi-
gate the Chesapeake Bay and its tributary streams,
the Atlantic Coast, or any of the bays or fivers
emptying thereinto, with power to connect there-
with, boats, vessels, stages or other carriages for
the conveyance of passengers, and all sorts of pro-