ers of Uniontown, in Carroll county, be and they
are hereby authorized to change the location of a
public alley in said town, lying on the north side
of the Main street of said town, and running be-
tween the lots belonging to John Gore, and to open
a public alley twenty-nine feet east from the said
alley, now opened to run between the lots of John
Gore and John Koons.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said
Burgess and Commissioners be and they are hereby
authorized to make compensation to the owners of
lands through which said alley shall pass, for any
injury that may be done thereto, and to levy such
amount of tax as may be necessary to pay. said
damages and the costs and expenses of opening
said alley.
to owners of
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to add new sections to Article seven of
the Code of Public Local Laws for Carroll coun-
ty, to authorize the county Commissioners of
said county to have the public roads therein re-
surveyed, marked and bounded.
Passed March
8, 1862.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the following sections under
the head of public roads be added to Article seven
of the Code of Public Local Laws for Carroll coun-
ty, to authorize the county Commissioners of said
county to have the public roads in said county re-
surveyed, marked and bounded,
147. The county Commissioners of Carroll coun-
ty are authorized in their discretion to re-survey
and mark and bound the public roads in said
county, when and where they may deem such re-
survey necessary and expedient.
Re-survey of
public roads.