first day of March, in the year eighteen hundred
and sixty-three to complete his collections of taxes
and fees ; provided, that the said Robert Bell be-
fore proceeding to enforce payment of taxes or fees
which may appear by his books to be due, shall
make affidavit to each account for taxes or. fees
which he may present, stating that the same has
not been previously paid to him.
In force.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Passed March
8, 1862.
AN ACT to amend sections one hundred and forty-
two, one hundred and forty-six, one hundred and
forty-nine and one hundred and fifty-one, of
Article one of the Code of Public Local Laws
for Allegany county, relating to Schools in said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the following sections, one
hundred and forty-two, one hundred and forty-six,
one hundred and forty-nine and one hundred and
fifty-one, of Article first of the Code of Public
Local Laws for Allegany county, be amended and
re-enacted so as to read as follows :
ers of Public
Sec. 142. It shall be the duty of the Orphans'
Court for Allegany county to appoint, annually,
on the first Tuesday in May, three Commissioners,
of Public Schools, who shall, collectively, be en-
tied the Board of Commissioners of Public Schools
of Allegany county.
Treasurer —
his duties, &c.
Sec. 146. The Board of Commissioners of Pub-
lic Schools are hereby authorized and required to
appoint a Treasurer, not a member of the Board,
who shall, also, act as Secretary to the said Board,
who shall give bond to the State of Maryland in a
sum double the amount of money levied and col-