lected for school purposes, with at least two secur-
ities, to be approved by them, with the condition
that he will perform faithfully the duties of Trea-
surer of the Board of Commissioners of Public
Schools, and pay over and apply all moneys that
shall come into his hands or care as Treasurer
aforesaid, to such person or persons, and in such
manner, as the said Board shall direct ; and that
he will keep and enter in a book, kept for that
purpose, a full and fair account of all moneys re-
ceived and paid by him, and of all matters relat-
ing to his duties and office, and preserve the same,
and all vouchers relating thereto, and deliver up
all the books and vouchers relating to said office,
whenever they are required by the said Board, to
such person as they shall appoint to receive the
same ; the said Treasurer shall be elected annual-
ly, at such time as the said Board shall, in their
by-laws, provide, and shall receive such compensa-
tion for his services as they, from time to time,
shall determine, not exceeding two hundred dollars
per annum.
Sec. 149. The said School Commissioners shall
appoint, in each School District, three discreet
men, who shall have the management and control
of the schools in their district, which may be es-
tablished therein under this Article, according to
the rules and regulations prescribed by said School
Commissioners, and, when directed by said Board,
may build, repair and furnish the necessary school
houses, purchase or lease sites therefor, or rent
suitable rooms, and do and perform all such other
duties as may be prescribed by the Board, for the
management of the different schools and educa-
tional interests of their proper districts, and who
shall employ teachers or assistant teachers for said
schools, appointing them from those persons who
have certificates of qualification from the exami-
ners hereinafter provided for, and who shall, also,
have the care of the books, stationery and furni-
ture, directed by the Board to be used in said
schools and furnished to said districts by their
Affairs — how
and by whom
Sec. 151. The Commissioners of Public Schools
shall appoint twelve discreet and well qualified
men, who shall constitute four Boards of Exami-
ners : three of whom shall be located in or near
Boards of Ex-
duties, &c.