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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 214   View pdf image (33K)
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Sums appro

ate Chamber and Hall of Delegates ; to pay Dun-
nett & Finney, or order, ninety-one dollars seven-
ty-five cents, for work done on Water Closets in
State House ; to Baltimore City Passenger Rail-
way Company, eighty-four dollars, for removing
State arms to Fort McHenry by order of the Gov-
ernor ; to Hiss and Austin, or order, seventy-three
dollars and forty-five cents, for furniture for
Speaker's Room; to William J. Jewell, or order, for
painting Rooms of Speaker and President of the
Senate, sixty dollars and twelve cents ; to Whit-
ney, Gushing & Company, or order, fifty-eight dol-
lars and fifty cents, for books and stationery for
the Committee on Claims ; to James Iglehart, or
order, forty-seven dollars and one cent, for paints
and work done on Senate Chamber and Hall of
Delegates; to Louis Gootee, or order, forty-six dol-
lars and eighty-two cents, for repairs on Speaker's
Room ; to William Wiggins, or order, forty-three
dollars and thirty-eight cents, for plastering and
repairs on State House; to John Lindenborn, or or-
der, forty-two dollars and eighty-eight cents, for
case for Committee Room and work done on State
House ; to John W. Davis, or order, thirty-three
dollars, for work done on State House ; to N. R.
Merryman, or order, twenty-nine dollars and thir-
ty-nine cents, for stove and fixtures for Speaker's
Room ; to Thomas McGlannan, or order, twenty-
nine dollars and seventy-five cents, for Room of
President of the Senate; to William Dadds, or or-
der, fifteen dollars, for stove for Room of the Presi-
dent of the Senate ; to Paul Martin, or order, sev-
en dollars and fifty cents, for ice.

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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 214   View pdf image (33K)
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