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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 199   View pdf image (33K)
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16. No Register of Wills, or deputy Register,
clerk of any court, or deputy clerk, shall practice
as an Attorney-at-Law in any of the courts of this
State, for any person or persons.

Registers and
Clerks prohib-
ited from prac-
tising in the



AN ACT to amend the twenty-second Article of
the Code of Public General Laws, relating to
Comptroller, by adding the two following sec-
tions relating to the adjustment of claims
against the State.

Passed March
6, 1862.

SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the following sections, relating
to the adjustment of claims against the State, be ad-
ded to the twenty-second Article of the Code of
Public General Laws to follow the eighteenth sec-
tion thereof.


1. All persons having claims against the State
for errors in the payment of their State taxes, or
for sums erroneously paid into, the Treasury, shall
present the same with the proofs and vouchers
thereof to the Comptroller, who shall examine the
same, and report to the General Assembly at the
next session thereof the names of such persons as
in his opinion are entitled to an allowance for said
erroneous payments, and the amount that ought
to be paid to each.

Claims against
State to be pre-
sented to the

2. Upon demand being made upon the Comp-
troller by any person or corporate body, having a
claim against the State, due to him in his own
right, if such person or corporation is indebted to
the State, as shown by the books of the Treasurer,
or in any manner ascertained to an amount less
than the sum so due and claimed, the Comptroller
shall deduct the sum so due the State from the
amount demanded, and give a warrant on the
Treasurer for the difference only; and if the
amount due to the State shall be equal to, or ex-

Sums due the
State to be

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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 199   View pdf image (33K)
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