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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 197   View pdf image (33K)
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Public Local Laws be and the same is hereby re-
pealed, and the following enacted therefor :


111. The salary of the toll gatherer at the gate
between Frostburg and Cumberland, shall be one
hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum ; the
salary of the toll gatherer at the gate west of Frost-
burg, shall be one hundred and twenty-five dollars
per annum ; the said salary to be retained and
paid out of the tolls collected on said road.

Salary of toll-

Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect on the first Monday in May next.

In force.



AN ACT to amend the eighteenth section of Ar-
ticle eleven of the Code of Public General Laws
relating to State's Attorney.

Passed March
2, 1862.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the eighteenth section of the eleventh
article of the Code of Public General Laws is
hereby amended and re-enacted as follows :


The State's Attorney for each county shall, in
such county, prosecute and defend on the part of
the State all cases in which the State may be inte-
rested; and whenever in any case which he shall so
prosecute founded on an indictmentor presentment
found in any county or the city of Baltimore, an
appeal shall be taken by either party to the Court
of Appeals, it shall also be the duty of said State's
Attorney to prosecute or defend, as the case may
be, said appeal in the Court of Appeals, for which
service he shall be entitled to such compensation as
may be allowed by the County Commissioners of the
county where said presentment or indictment was
found, or by the Criminal Court of Baltimore
where indictment was found in said city to be
levied, collected and paid as other costs now are in
such cases ; and in no such case shall counsel fees
be paid by the State, unless to counsel specially
retained by the Governor.

Duty of State's

Sec. . And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.

In force.

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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 197   View pdf image (33K)
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