court shall remove said cause, to such adjoining
county (other than the one from which said cause
has been removed,) as the said court shall think
will best tend to justice between the parties thereto ;
such affidavit, and the suggestion to be made be-
fore or during the term in which the issue or is-
sues have been joined in said suit or action, issues
or petition, presentment or indictment, in case
such issue or issues have not been joined before the
original removal has been made, and in case such
issue or issues have been joined before such origi-
nal removal, then such affidavit and suggestion
shall be made at the first term of said court, to
which such original removal of said cause has been
made, next after the filing of the record therein.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That section seventy-
four of said Article, be and the same is hereby re-
pealed, and the following section enacted as a sub-
stitute therefor :
Petitions for
freedom, pre-
sentments, in-
dictments, &c.
74. In all suits or actions at law, issues from
the Orphans' Court, or other court sitting in
equity, in petitions for freedom, and in all pre-
sentments or indictments, now pending or which
may hereafter be pending, or which may hereafter
be instituted, in any of the courts of Baltimore
city having jurisdiction thereof, such cause maybe
removed in the manner prescribed in the seventy-
first section of this Article, to the Circuit Court
for Baltimore county, to the Circuit Court for
Anne Arundel county, to the Circuit Court for
Howard county, or to the Circuit Court for Har-
ford county ; and the party, who was not the party
at whose instance any such cause may be removed
to the Circuit Court of either of said counties,
shall be entitled to a removal of said cause from
said court, in the manner prescribed in the next
preceding section.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That section seventy-
five of the said Article be and the same is hereby
repealed, and the following section substituted
herefor :
Removal of
record, &c.
75. The Judge of any Court in which any cause
may be pending, may order a removal of the re-
cord of proceedings at any time before trial, when-
ever sufficient cause may be shown therefor, to the