949. No person shall retail or huckster wood on
any wharf in the city of Baltimore, under a com-
mon trader's license, or without having first ob-
tained a license for said purpose, as provided in
the preceding section of this bill ; and any per-
son so offending shall be fined one hundred dol-
lars, one, half for the use of the State, and the
othet half for the use of the person who shall pro-
secute for the same.
Right to sell
wood restrict-
ed to parties
licensed for the
Sec; 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the thirtieth day of April next.
In force.
AN ACT to amend sections seventy-three, sev-
enty-four and seventy-five of Article seventy-
five of the Code of Public General Laws, enti-
tled, Pleadings, Practice and Process, relating
to the removal of causes, and to repeal sections
seventy-two of said Article, relating to such re-
moval of causes.
Passed Feb.
18, 1862.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That section seventy-two of Article
seventy-five of the Code of Public General Laws,
entitled, Pleadings, Practice and Process, be and
the same is hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That section seventy-
three of said Article, be repealed, and the follow-
ing section be enacted as a substitute therefor :
Section re-
pealed— subiti-
73. When any suit or action, issues, petition,
presentment or indictment, shall be removed to an
adjoining' county, according to the provisions of
the seventy-first section of this Article, it shall be
lawful for the party who was not the party at
whose instance the same was removed, to file an
affidavit as before required in the court to which
the removal is made, suggesting that he cannot
have justice in such county ; whereupon the said
Removal of