Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the boundaries
of said election district shall be as follow : begin-
ning at the bridge on the main branch of the Nan-
ticoke river, at Federalsburg, thence with the
county road that separates Dorchester from Caro-
line county, to Hunting Creek, thence with said
creek to Choptank river, thence with said river to
Blink Horn Creek, thence with said creek to its
head or until its intersects the county road leading
from Cabin Creek to Hunting Creek, thence with
the Manor line to Washington Chapel, thence with
the aforesaid line and road that divides the lands
of Nathan Williams from Thomas A. Trice,
Nichols Wright from Stephen Andrews and James
M. Hurlock, thence following the plain road lead-
ing to Henry D. Wright's Mill and branch, thence
with said branch to the main branch of the Nan-
ticoke river, thence with said river to the mouth of
of Miles branch, thence with said branch tp the
county road leading from Johnson's Cross Roads
to Federalsburg, thence with said county road to
the place of beginning.
Boundaries of
election dis-