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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 188   View pdf image (33K)
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in the Court of Appeals, and the executor of such
party, or his administrator, shall have failed, or
shall fail to appear in the Court of Appeals, and
to suggest such death, and judgment has been or
shall be given, as if the said party so deceased was
alive, then, and in such event, it shall and may be
lawful for any surviving party to such appeal, or
writ of error so adjudged as aforesaid, to suggest
in the Court of Appeals, the death of the said
party to the said appeal, or writ of error, prior
to the entering up of the judgment in the said
court, and to shew to the Court of Appeals, who
is the executor, or administrator of the deceased
party, and in that event, it shall be competent for
the said Court of Appeals, to order execution to
issue in the said cause to the same extent, and in
the same manner, as if the said executor, or ad-
ministrator had suggested the death of the person
so dying as aforesaid, and had appeared to prose-
cute or defend said writ of error or appeal.


Passed Feb
10, 1862.

AN ACT amendatory of the act passed at Jan-
uary session, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight,
chapter two hundred and thirty-five, entitled,
An act to lay off and establish a new election
district in Dorchester county, to be called dis-
trict number twelve, or Williamsburg district.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted, That the second section of
the act passed at January session, eighteen hundred
and fifty-eight, chapter two hundred and thirty-five,
entitled, An act to layoff and establish a new elec-
tion district in Dorchester county, to be called
election district number twelve, or Williamsburg
district, be and the same is hereby repealed and
the following section enacted as a substitute there-
for :


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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 188   View pdf image (33K)
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