If any individual co-partnership, or firm, shall
use or exercise the business or occupation of a
Stock Broker, or an Exchange Broker, or a Bill
Broker, or a Merchandize Broker, without a license
therefor, he shall be subject to a penalty of five
hundred dollars for each offence, one half for the
use of the State, and the other half to the
business with-
out license —
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after the thirtieth day of
April ne'xt.
In force.
CHAPTER 145. .
AN ACT authorizing Hiram McClane, Israel Wil-
liar and Lewis Crawford, Trustees of Primary
School District Number One, of Frederick coun-
ty, to sell and convey a School House and Lot
in said District.
Passed March
4, 1862.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Hiram McClane, Israel Wil-
liar and Lewis Crawford, Trustees of Primary
School District Number One, or their successors,
be and they are hereby authorized to sell and con-
vey, to the purchaser, the School House and Lot
held ancl used for a Primary School House in said
Trustees au-
thorized to sell
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Trustees or
their successors, shall expend and apply the money
arising from such sale, in the purchase of a suita-
ble site, and erecting another School House there-
on, in a more central part of said District, at or
near the Village of Sabillesville.
Proceeds of
sale to be ap-
plied to erec-
tion of school-
house, &c.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
In force.