Passed Feb.
24, 1862.
AN ACT to add to the fifty-sixth Article df the
Code of Public General Laws, relating to Licen-
ses, the following sections relating to Merchan-
dize Brokers, and to amend the seventeenth sec-
tion of the same Article imposing a penalty upon
Brokers acting without license, so as to include
Merchandize Brokers.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the following section be and
and it is hereby added to the fifty-sixth Article of
the Code of Public General Laws, immediately
after the eleventh section of said Article:
Any person applying for the same, and paying
the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, may ob-
tain a license for carrying on the business of Mer-
chandize Broker.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the following
section relating to Merchandize Brokers, be and
the same is hereby added to the said fifty-sixth
Article of the Code of Public General Laws, re-
lating to Licenses, to follow the twelfth section
thereof :
In every case where a partnership shall take
out a license to carry on the business of Merchan-
dize Broker, the names of all the partners shall be
set forth in said license, and for every member of
said partnership beyond the number of two, there
shall be paid fifty dollars in addition to the sum
hereinbefore required ; and it shall not be lawful
for any one to carry on business as Merchandize
Broker under any license, unless he is named
therein or is a clerk or employee in the office or
establishment of the person or partnership which
obtained said license, acting solely on account of
said person or partnership.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That section seven-
teen of said Article, fifty-six, relating to the penal-
ty imposed upon Brokers for acting without li-
cense be and the same is hereby repealed and the
following section enacted in lieu thereof: