county, authorizing Trustees of School Districts to procure
sites for School Houses, by gift, devise, purchase, or condem;
No. 68. An act to incorporate F. Knapp's English and
German Institute in Baltimore city.
No. 69. An act to add to the fourth Article of the Code of
Public Local Laws, the following section, to enable the Mayor
and City Council of the city of Baltimore to levy and collect
a direct tax, and to limit the amount thereof to twelve hun-
dred thousand dollars annually.
No. 70. An act to ratify and confirm and make valid the
action of the County Commissioners of Washington county,
in levying a special tax upon the assessable property of said
county to raise a sum of money to be appropriated to the pay-
ment of bounties to volunteers in the army of the United
States, and to carry the same into effect.
No. 71. An act to add to the forty-first Article of the
Code of Public General Laws, in relation to Fish and Fish-
eries, the following additional sections, relating to the waters
of the Potomac river, lying between the mouth of News
creek and Weaverton dam.
No. 72. An act to ratify and confirm and make valid the
action of the County Commissioners of Cecil county in levy-
a special tax upon the assessable property of said county, to
raise a sum of money to be appropriated to the payment of
bounties to volunteers in the army of the United States, and
to carry the same into effect.
No. 73. An act appropriating a sum of money to pay the
claims of John Sullivan, William J. Jewell, William Dadds,
George B. Parker, John Himilheber, Collins Heath and Com-
pany, and Benjamin A. Gailinger.
No. 74. An act to provide for re-copying, re-binding and
re-indexing the records in the office of the Clerk of the Court
of Common Pleas for Baltimore city, and to make and keep
a general index to the judgments of the said Court of Com-
mon Pleas.
No. 75. An act to add a new section to Article fifty of the
Code of Public Local Laws for Calvert county, to regulate
the rates of Constables' fees in said county.
No. 76. An act to allow Thomas Sudlar, late Sheriff and
Collector of Somerset county, further time to complete his
collections and to give power to do so.