money of the United States, for the faithful per-
formance of his or their, obligation as contained in
the aforesaid contract, which bond shall be suffi-
cient to indemnify the State from any loss; pro-
vided further , that before any such contract shall
be deemed valid, the party or parties so contract-
ing for the aforesaid work shall take and subscribe
to the following oath, which shall be administered
by the Comptroller: "I, —— , of —— , in the,State
of Maryland, do solemnly swear that I have never
voluntarily borne arms against the United States
since I have been a citizen thereof; that I have
voluntarily given no aid, countenance or encour-
agement to persons engaged in armed hostility
thereto; that I have neither sought nor accepted
nor attempted to exercise the functions of any of-
fice whatever under any authority in hositility to
the United States; that I have not yielded a vol-
untary support to any pretended Government,
authority, power or Constitution within the United
States hostile or inimical thereto; and I do further
swear, to the best of my knowledge and ability,
that I will support and defend the Constitution
and Government of the United States against all
enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will bear
true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take
this obligation freely, without any mental reserva-
tion or evasion whatever, so help me God."
to issue war-
Sec. 4. Be it enacted, That the Comptroller is
hereby authorized to issue his warrant on the
Treasurer for such amounts of money applied for
by said contracting party during the session. for
the purpose of executing the printing; provided,
such application is certified to be necessary by the
Committee on Printing of both Houses, and when
the said Legislative body have adjourned, and the
work of the printer has been completed, the Comp-
troller shall examine the account for the work
aforesaid, and if, in his judgment, the contract has
been complied with, then he shall issue his war-
rant upon the Treasurer for whatever may be due
on said account, who shall pay the same.