AN ACT to re-enact and continue in force the
Act of January session, eighteen hundred and
sixtyt-two, chapter twenty-three, entitled, "An
Act to appropriate a sum of money for the re-
demption and re-pay ment of unused stamps, and
to authorize the Comptroller to redeem the
Passed March
10, 1864.
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the act passed at January
session, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, chapter
twenty-three, entitled, "An Act to appropriate a
sum of money for the redemption and re-payment
of unused stamps, and to authorize the Comptroller
to redeem the same, be and the same is hereby
re-enacted and continued in force, so as to author-
ize the Comptroller to redeem all paper therein
mentioned, which shall be presented to him for re-
demption prior to the first day of January, eighteen
hundred and sixty-five.
Money appro-
priated for re-
demption of
unused stamps
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act take
effect from the date of its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to provide for the succession of the Ha-
gerstown Academy.
Pasged Mar.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That an election for seven Trus-
tees, for the Hagerstown Academy, be held on the
first Monday of May next, and on the first Mon-
day of every succeeding May hereafter, by the
stockholders in said institution, in the manner pre-
scribed by the original act, at such place in Ha-
Trustees to be