To invest in-
8. The Treasurer shall invest the interest accru-
ing on the sinking fund, in the funded debt of
this State, or in the bonds and stocks issued, or to
be issued by the Government of the United States,
as soon after receiving the same as he can do so
advantageously, and carry such investment to the
credit of said fund.
Surplus mo-
neys to be in-
9 All surplus moneys which may at any time
be in the Treasury, not required in the judgment
of the Comptroller and Treasurer to pay the ordi-
nary expenses, and current interest upon the fund-
ed debts of this State, or for the redemption of
such part or parts of said funded debts as may be
due or become due, or in case no part of said fund-
ed debt, not held by the sinking fund, is then due,
the said Treasurer may, with the approval of the
Comptroller and Governor, invest said surplus
moneys or any part thereof, in the bonds or stocks
issued or to be issued by the Government of the
United States, and all investments of said fund or
its increments, here before made by the Treasurer,
in any such bonds or stocks of the United States,
are hereby approved and made valid.