have all the privileges and franchises of a corpor-
ation, and may sue-and. be sued, make a corporate
seal and by-laws for the regulation of the company.
Sums paya-
ble to Presi-
dent and Di-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the sums so sub-
scribed for the stock of said company shall be pay-
able to the President and Directors aforesaid in
such sums and at such times as they may direct
and require.
Number ne-
cessary to form
a quorum.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors of said company shall manage all
the affairs and concerns, and that three of the Di-
rectors, with or without the President, shall con-
stitute a quorum for the transaction of any busi-
ness, and that if a vacancy occurs in the Presi-
dency, a President shall be elected by the Directors
to serve until the next election by the stockholders.
of Commission-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors are hereby authorized to appoint
three Commissioners, who, or a majority of them,
shall lay out the said road, and shall make a plat
of the said road and file the same in the office fif
the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore coun-
ty, to be recorded; and such Commissioners, be-
fore they act as such, shall take an oath to locate
said road according to the best of their skill and
judgment, and that they are not interested in any
land through which said road shall pass.
Road to be
laid out ac-
cording to plat
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the said road
shall be laid out according to the plat made by
said Commissioners, if approved by the Directors
of said Company, and that said road shall be thirty
feet, sixteen of which shall be an artificial road,
made of stone, gravel, wood or some other hard
and durable substance.
Toll gates and
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors are hereby authorized to erect toll-
gates on said road and to charge tolls for. travel-
ing on the same according to the rate of tolls now
charged or allowed to be charged on the Dulany's
Valley and Towsontown turnpike aforesaid; pro-
vided, however, that no tolls shall be taken on said
road until two and a half continuous miles of the
same shall be completed.
Warrant to
be issued.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That in case the
company shall not be able to agree with the owner