ject-matter thereof, he shall, on being thereof con-
victed, be liable to a fine of three hundred dollars
or to six months imprisonment, in the discretion
of the court.
Penalty for of-
fering a bribe
Sec. 39. Be it enacted, That if any person shall
offer a bribe to any Inspector, or any other person
engaged or employed in any one of the said to-
bacco warehouses, as an inducement to show par-
tiality or favoritism to such person, or otherwise
to violate any provision of the Code in reference to
the inspection of tobacco, he shall, on being there-
of convicted, be sentenced to pay a fine of three
hundred dollars, which shall go to the credit of
the tobacco fund.
Penalty for
erasing or al-
tering marks.
Sec. 40. Be it enacted, That if any person shall
erase, alter or add to any word, letter, mark, num-
ber or figure placed in pursuance of this Article,
by any Inspector, or any one in the employment
of any Inspector, on any hogshead, or written in
pursuance of the Article by any Inspector or any
one in the employment of any Inspector, on the
label of any sample, or shall fraudulently take any
tobacco from any sample, or substitute other to
bacco for any in such sample, or any part thereof,
or shall counterfeit any Inspector's certificate or
seal, he shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit three
hundred dollars, to go to the credit of the tobacco
fund, and be otherwise punished according to law.
Tobacco car-
ried out of the
State must be
Sec. 41. Be it enacted, That after the passage of
this act it shall not be lawful to carry out of this
State, in hogshead, any tobacco raised in this
State, except in hogshead which shall have been
inspected, passed and marked agreeably to the
provisions of this act, unless such tobacco shall
have been inspected and passed before this act goes
into operation, and any person violating the pro-
visions of this section shall forfeit and pay the sum
of three hundred dollars, which may be recovered
in any court of law of this State, and which shall
go to the credit of the tobacco fund.
of casks
Sec. 42. Be it enacted, That tobacco raised in
Maryland, shall not be packed in casks exceeding
fifty-two inches in the length of the staves and
eighty-four inches in the whole diameter within
the staves across the head and bulge, and if any