tempt to induce or influence the owner of any to-
bacco, to consign the same to any particular agent
or agents, or to send the same for inspection to
one warehouse rather than another, under a pen-
alty of dismissal from office or service, and a fine
of one hundred dollars for each offence.
Sec. 35. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the several Inspectors to prevent" any owner or
purchaser of tobacco, or the agent of either, and
any other person whatsoever, except persons ap-
pointed for and employed in the particular ware-
house in which the inspection may be made, from
interfering with or assisting at the inspection,
weighing or sampling of tobacco, or tying up or
arranging, or sealing the bundles constituting the
samples, and any Inspector who shall violate any
provision of this section, or knowingly permit it to
be violated, shall be dismissed from office and fined
one hundred dollars for each offence.
Not to inter-
fere, &c.
Sec. 36. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the several Inspectors to cause printed notices,
containing the provisions of the last preceding
section," to be posted in one or more conspicuous
places in each tobacco warehouse in the city of
Baltimore; and if any person shall attempt to vio-
late any, of said provisions the Inspector shall di-
rect the attention of such person to one of said
notices; and if he shall thereafter violate said pro-
visions, or either of them, the person so offending
shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars for
each offence.
Printed no-
tices to be set
Sec. 37. Be it enacted, That if any Inspector
shall accept or receive, directly or indirectly, any
gratuity or reward other than his salary, for any-
thing done by him in pursuance of this act, he
shall be dismissed from office, and be forever there-
after disqualified from holding any office under
this Article, or any supplement to or amendment
thereof, and shall, moreover, be liable to a fine of
five hundred dollars for each offence.
Sec. 38. Be it enacted, That if any person other
than an Inspector, employed or engaged in any
tobacco warehouse, shall accept or receive, directly
or indirectly, any gratuity or reward other than
his regular pay, or per diem for anything done in
connection with his said employment, or the sub-
Penalty for
receiving grat-
uity, &c.