Sec. 21. Be it enacted, That if the certificate
provided for in the last two sections shall be lost,
the Inspector shall, on affidavit of the fact being
given, made by the person to whom the same had
been issued, cause a duplicate certificate, marked
as such, to be issued to the party entitled thereto.
Owner may
retuin samples
and certificates
Sec. 22. Be it enacted, That if the owner ox his
agent shall return the samples and certificates
hereinbefore provided for, and desire to have new
ones, the Inspector shall untie said original sam-
ples, detach therefrom, and cancel the label af-
fixed thereto, and draw new samples in the same
way in which he is hereinbefore required to draw
original ones, shall make record of such fact, and
shall cause said new samples to be tied and
marked as the original samples are required to be
tied and marked, and shall also cause the word
"redrawn" to be written on the label affixed
thereto; or if any person who had said original
samples shall make affidavit that he has lost
them, the Inspector shall draw new samples and
mark the same, and make record thereof as herein
provided, and shall charge for redrawing, as
above, the sum of one dollar.
Injured to-
Sec. 23 Be it enacted, That if any Inspector
shall find any tobacco which may be opened un-
merchantable or out of order, he shall cause the
same to be carefully cased up and weighed, and
cause to be entered in a proper book the reasons
for which the same may have been stayed, to-
gether with any other appropriate remarks.
Injured to-
Sec. 24. Be it enacted, That all tobacco thus
stayed, unless the owner or his agent choose to
remove the same for the purpose of recondition-
ing it, shall, with all convenient dispatch, be
shaken out, conditioned, packed, reweighed and
leinspected as other tobacco, under the supervi-
sion of the Inspector, but shall not be taken from
the warehouse for any of said purposes, and shall
then be entered, upon the Inspector's books, and
samples and certificates thereof shall be furnished
as are required in referepce to other tobacco.
Owner to pay.
Sec. 25 . Be it enacted, That the owner or agent
of each hogshead of stayed tobacco, reconditioned
and packed in any State Tobacco Warehouse, shall
pay, in proportion to the amount of tobacco in