each hogshead requiring reconditioning, from one
dollar to two dollars therefor, in addition to other
charges provided, however, that he shall have the
privilege of removing the same elsewhere than to
another of said warehouses, for the purpose of
having the same reconditioned and packed.
Sec. 26. Be it enacted, That every hogshead of
tobacco which has been sold by the grower or his
agent, and which shall remain in any warehouse
of elsewhere, under the charge of an Inspector,
for a period of more than six months from the
date of inspection, shall be liable to a charge of
fifteen cents per month storage for every month
after the expiration of the said six months, to be
paid before said tobacco shall be removed.
Sec. 27. Be it enacted, That every hogshead of
tobacco shall be liable to the charge of one dollar
and fifty cents outage if weighing less than eleven
hundred pounds, and to fifteen cents additional
for every hundred pounds over that weight, which
shall be paid by the purchaser thereof to the In-
spector having charge of the same before it is re-
moved, and shall be liable to no other charge not
hereinbefore expressly provided for.
Sec. 28. Be it enacted, That all scrap tobacco
accruing at any of the warehouses shall be packed
in hogsheads, a fair average sample of each hogs-
head taken, and the Inspector having charge
thereor shall sell the same by such samples at
public auction, after having advertised said sale
for one week in the newspaper having the largest
circulation in the city of Baltimore.
Scrap tobacco.
Sec. 29. Be it, enacted, That all tobacco which
shall have remained in any warehouse four years
after inspection, the owner of which shall not be
known, or the charges on which shall not have
been paid shall, unless the same be called for and
the charges thereon paid, be sold by sample at
public auction, after advertisement of said sale
once a week for three months in the newspaper
having the largest circulation in the city of Bal-
timore; and said advertisement shall state the
warehouse number of each hogshead to be sold,
the net weight of tobacco contained therein, the
date of inspection, the person in whose name the
Disposition of
tobacco in
four years.