more than nine inches from the floor, and one
bundle shall be taken from each break of the
average quality thereof, and the five bundles so
taken shall be so drawn as to constitute a fair and
just sample of the quality and condition of the
tobacco in said hogshead.
Sec. 17. Be it enacted, That each hogshead of
tobacco which may have been raised in any other
State than Maryland or Ohio shall be broken in
three different places, and five bundles shall be
taken from each break of the average quality
thereof, and the fifteen bundles so taken, shall be
so drawn as to constitute a fair and just sample of
the quality and condition of the tobacco in such
Tobacco from
other States.
Sec. 18. Be it enacted, That one of the Clerks
of said Inspector shall then tie together said five
or fifteen sample bundles, as the case may be, by
passing a strong tape through the head of each
bundle, and confining thereon a strip of paste-
board on which shall be written the warehouse
number of the hogshead represented by said
sample, the number of the warehouse in which the
same was inspected, the date of inspection, the
name of the owner of said tobacco, if known to him,
or if said name be not known to him the initials or
or other marks on said hogshead.
disposed of.
Sec. 19 Be it enacted, That if the Inspector be
of opinion that said tobacco is sound, clean, in
good order and merchantable, he shall then cause
the pasteboard and tape on said sample to be
sealed with sealing wax and stamped with the seal
of said, warehouse, and shall deliver said sample
to the owner or his agent, with a certificate sta-
ting the date of inspection, the warehouse mark
and number of said hogshead, the weight thereof,
and net weight of tobacco contained therein.
Seal of ware-
Sec 20. Be it enacted, That if more than ten
pounds of tobacco shall have been cut from any
one hogshead inspected and passed as aforesaid, in
consequence of said tobacco having been wet or
otherwise injured, the Inspector shall note on the
label and the certificate the weight of the tobacco
which may have been so cut off.
Weight of to
bacco cut off.