Tobacco to be
taken care of.
Sec. 11. Be it enacted, That all tobacco delivered
at any warehouse in such condition as to require
cooperage shall be properly taken care of by the
Inspector, who shall cause it to be coopered and
the owner thereof, or his agent, charged for the
same, not less than twenty-five and not more than
seventy-five cents for each hogshead so coopered.
Tobacco to be
inspected with
out delay.
Sec. 12. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of each Tobacco Inspector to cause all the tobacco
in the warehouse to which he may have been ap-
pointed, to be inspected as speedily as practicable,
in regular order as numbered, without favor, affec-
tion or partiality to any one, and each violatioa of
the provisions of this section shall subject the
offender to a penalty of one hundred dollars, to be
recovered in the Criminal Court of Baltimore city.
Each hogs-
head to be
weighed, &c.
Sec. 13 Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of each Inspector to cause each hogshead of tobacco
before it is uncased to be weighed, and the tobacco
in each hogshead and the cask itself to be separately
weighed in his presence or that of his weighing
Clerk, in scales with weights of the proper stand-
ard, and the weight of each hogshead as first
weighed, and the gross and net weight of the
tobacco therein contained after inspection, to be
entered in a proper book, with sufficient reference
to its numbers and marks as previously recorded.
To be marked.
Sec. 14. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of each Inspector to cause to be marked with a
marking-iron on the side of each hogshead of
tobacco under his charge the warehouse number
and weight of said hogshead, aad the net weight
of tobacco contained therein, and to cause the
warehouse number of such hogshead to be marked
with blacking on each head thereof.
To be un-
Sec. 15. Be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of each Inspector to cause all tobacco under his
charge to be uncased and broken, and himself or
some competent person appointed by him to draw
samples thereof, and cause the same to be tied,
fastened, labeled and marked as hereinafter pro-
Maryland and
Ohio tobacco.
Sec. 16. Be it enacted, That each hogshead of
tobacco raised in Maryland or Ohio shall be broken
in five different places, the first break to be not