AN ACT to add 'additional sections to Article six-
. teen of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled,
Prince George's county, fixing the time for ap-
pointment of Collectors of Tax in said county.
Passed Mar.
10, 1864.
SECTION 1. And be it enacted, by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That the following sections
be added to Article sixteen of the Code of Public
Local Laws, entitled, Prince George's county,
and be arranged under the head of Collectors in
said Article:
Sections added
47. The County Commissioners for Prince
George's county shall, on or before the first Tues-
day of July in" each year, appoint a Collector or
Collectors for said county for the collection of taxes
levied or to be levied for the current year.
Collector to
be appointed.
48. The Clerk of the County Commissioners for
Prince George's county shall annually, on or be-
fore the first day of July, inform the Governor
whether there is in said county a duly appointed
and qualified Collector of the State Taxes.
Governor to
be informed.
49. If there be no Collector of State Taxes ap-
pointed and qualified in Prince George's county
by the first day of August in any year, the Gover-
nor shall appoint from any part of the State a Col-
lector for said county, who shall give bond with a
surety or sureties, to be approved by the Governor
or the Judge of the Circuit Court for Prince
George's county, and to be recorded and be in all
all respects on a footing with other Collectors'
bonds; and a copy thereof certified by the Clerk of
the said county, in whose office the same is re-
corded, shall by the said Clerk be forthwith trans-
mitted to the Comptroller, and the said Collector
shall have all the powers of other Collectors.
Under certain
Governor may
Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
In force.