Amount paic
for commission
Sec. 7. Be it enacted, That the inspector or
corder appointed under the provisions of this act,
shall, on the receipt of his commission, pay to the
Treasurer of the State the sum of twenty-five dol-
lars, and at the expiration of one year from the
date thereof, an additional twenty-five dollars, the
failure of payment of which shall be deemed and
taken as resignation of the office of inspector, and
no person or persons shall act as inspector or corder
of fire wood within the limits herein named unless
having first complied with the requirements of this
act, unless in the absence of and by permission of
said inspector.
Inspector tu
enter upon his
Sec. 8. Beit enacted, That the inspector appoint-
ed under the provisions of this act shall enter upon
his duty of office on the first Monday of April next
In force.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from, the date of its passage, so, far as
may be necessary to carry out effectually its several
provisions in relation to the appointment and qual-
ification of the inspector or corder in accordance
with this act.
Passed Feb.
17, 1864.
AN ACT to dismiss the writ of error taken by the
State in the case of Myers vs. The State of Penn-
sylvania, and to pay the counsel employed by
the Governor to conduct said case.
Writ of Er-
ror dismissed.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Governor be and he is here-
by authorized and directed to have the writ of
error heretofore taken by the Slate in the case of
Myers vs. The State of Pennsylvania, dismissed.
Treasurer di-
rected to pay.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer is
hereby directed to pay, on the warrant of the
Comptroller, to Jonathan Meredith, Esquire, the