six and a quarter cents for each cord of fire wood
inspected by him.
Sec. 4. Be it enacted, That all fire wood landed
and sold within the limits before described in sec-
tion first of this act, shall be at least four feet in
length, including one-half of the kerf, and shall
be set up, packed and corded, that every cord of
wood shall be eight feet in length, four feet in
breadth and four feet high, well stowed and pack-
ed, and when the wood exceeds or falls short of four
feet in length, including half the kerf, the cord
shall be proportionally increased or diminished,
so as to make the quantity of each cord as nearly
equal as possible; and if the vender or purchaser
refuse to have said fire wood so inspected or corded,
or shall alter the measurement thereof, or shall sell
the same by any other measurement; or if any per-
son or persons shall knowingly purchase or receive
any fire wood which has not been passed by the
inspector aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the sum
of two dollars per cord, and so in proportion for a
less quantity of wood so sold and delivered by him
or them, to be recovered in the name of the State,
one-half to the use of the informer, the other half
to the State, before a Justice of the Peace, in the
same manner as small debts are now recoverable
by law.
Sec. 5. Be it enacted, That.no one engaged in
vending or trading in wood, or as partner, or as
clerk, or agent for a trader or vender of wood,
shall be appointed inspector or corder, nor shall
any inspector or corder while holding his office be
so engaged, directly or indirectly, and the Gover-
nor may summarily dismiss or remove from office
such inspector or corder, on receiving satisfactory
proof of a violation on his part of the provisions of
this act.
Inspector not
to trade in
Sec. 6. Be it enacted, That any person not duly
appointed under the provisions of this act, who
shall act as such inspector or corder of fire wood
within the limits before described, sball forfeit and
pay the sum of two hundred dollars, the said pen-
alty to be imposed on the conviction of the offender
on an indictment in the Circuit Court of Baltimore
county, one-half to the use of the informer, the
other half of the State.
Penalty for
acting as In-
spector when
not appointed.