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Session Laws, 1864
Volume 531, Page 287   View pdf image (33K)
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Sec. 3. And whereas, the amount actually re-
ceived by the President, Managers and Company
of the Baltimore and Yorktown Turnpike Road
for subscriptions, to their stock and expended by
them in the, construction of their turnpike and
railroad, makes each of the thirty thousand shares
into which the capital stock of said company is
now divided of the average nominal value of
twelve dollars: and whereas, it is proper that the
capital so subscribed and expended, should be at
least approximately represented by the par value
of the stock; therefore be it enacted that the capi-
of said company shall hereafter consist of
three thousand shares of the par value of ten dol-
lars per share.


Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the President,
Managers and Company of the Baltimore and
Yorktown Turnpike Road, be and they are hereby
authorized and empowered, if any time hereafter it
shall by them be deemed necessary and proper, to
increase their capital stock by the issue of five
thousand additional shares of stock of the par value of
ten dollars each, and that the said additional shares
may be subscribed for by the stockholders of said,
company, in a book which shall be opened at the
office of said company, after giving twenty days
notice thereof in two daily newspapers of Baltimore
city, and which shall remain open durin g office hours
for thirty days, and should the subscription exceed
the said number of five thousand shares, they
shall be distributed among the subscribers accord-
ing to the number of shares held by them respec-
tively, and should any shares remain unsubscribed,
the said President, Managers and Company may
subscribe for the ssme and may thereafter offer
them for general subscription, or may sell or oth-
erwise dispose of them, for the benefit of said

Capital stock
may be in-

Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the sum of one
dollar be paid on each share of stock at the time
of subscribing, and that the remaining nine dol-
lars a share be paid at such times and place as the
said President and Managers may direct by twen-
ty days notice in two daily newspapers of Balti-

One dollar
to be paid on

more city: provided, there shall not more thar
three dollars per share be called for at any one
time, and that there be at least thirty days inter-


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Session Laws, 1864
Volume 531, Page 287   View pdf image (33K)
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