Passed Mar.
8, 1864.
AN ACT, to amend the Charter of the Presi-
dent, Managers" and Company of the Baltimore
and Yorktown Turnpike Road, being an addition-
al supplement to an act entitled, "An act to in-
corporate companies to make several turnpike
roads through Baltimore county and for other
purposes," passed at November session eighteen
hundred and four, chapter fifty-one.
to be declared
by President
and Managers.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That instead of the times for declar-
ing dividends of the clear profits and income of
the President, Managers and company of the Bal-
timore and Yorktown Turnpike Road mentioned
in the act of Assembly, passed at December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and seventeen, chapter
eight, entitled, "An additional supplement to an
act to incorporate several companies to malice turn-
pike roads through Baltimore county and for other
purposes," such dividends shall hereafter be made
and declared by the President and Managers of
said company at such time and as frequently as
they may deem advisable: provided however,
that at least two dividends of the clear profits and
income of said company shall be made in each and
every year.
Stock — how
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That at all meet-
ings of the stockholders of the President, Mana-
gers and company of the Baltimore and Yorktown
Turnpike Road, held under the act to which this
is a supplement or any of the supplements thereto,
each stockholder shall be entitled in voting at any
election held or upon any question presented for
determination at such meetings to one vote for each
and every share of stock held by him, under and
up to the number of twenty-five shares inclusive,
and to one additional vote for every twenty-five
shares held by him over and above the said num-
ber of twenty-five shares: provided, that no stock-
holder, whatever number of shares he may hold,
shall have more than seventy-five votes.