weighing of grain to be optional with the owners
thereof; it shall be the duty of the Inspector Gen-
eral to proceed to weigh all grain within at least
two hours after the same is reported, and continue
weighing until the weighing is completed, and for
every failure to comply with this provision the
said Inspector General shall be liable to a penalty
of twenty dollars, to be recovered before any Jus-
tice of the Peace in Baltimore city, one half of the
fine to go to the informer, and the other half to the
State, the suit to be brought in the name of the
State; if any, grain shall be brought by water to
Baltimore, for sale, in bags, the said Inspector
shall weigh the said grain on board the vessel or
t steamboat, without removing it from the bags, if
the buyer and seller shall mutually agree.
AN ACT empowering Jacob Fresh and Jabez
Annacost to sell a lot of land, which was deeded
by Charles Bablity, June the fourteenth, eigh-
teen hundred and four, to Peter Bablity, Henry
Kelbaugh, Christian Kelbaugh and Philip My-
ers, and recorded in the Land Records of Balti-
more county, in Liber W. G., No. eighty-one,
folio five hundred and sixty-two.
Passed Mar.
1, 1864.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Jacob Fresh and Jabez Anna-
cost, are empowered to sell a lot of land in Balti-
more county near Grave Run Post Office, which
was deeded by Charles Bablity, June fourteenth,
eighteen hundred and four, to Peter Bablity, Hen-
ry Kelbaugh, Christian Kelbaugh and Philip
Myers, together with the improvements thereon,
on or before the first Saturday in June, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, and to pay the amount
received for said lot and improvements unto George
Power to sell.