house of ill-fame; by fine and imprisonment, such
fine not to exceed fifty dollars and imprisonment
not to exceed twenty days, and may pass all such
other ordinances, as they may deem proper for the
welfare of said city; provided, that they shall not
have power to close or alienate any public street
or alley, or pledge the credit and faith of said city
for any sum exceeding ten thousand dollars, with-
out first submitting the question to the voters of
said city, after twenty days public notice, and a
majority of the legal voters assenting thereto.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That for the purpose
of introducing a supply of good soft water into the
said city, the Mayor and Councilmen are hereby
authorised to issue, bonds of said city to an amount
not exceeding sixty thousand dollars to be denomi-
nated Cumberland Water Bonds at an interest not
exceeding six percent, per annum, and to levy
and collect a tax on the assessable property of said
city to pay the interest on said bonds, and to pro-
vide a sinking fund for the redemption thereof.
Power to
levy tax.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That for the purpose
of putting said water works into operation, Joseph
Shriver, V. A. Buckey, Alpheus Beall, Hopewell
Hebb, and J. B. H. Campbell, be and they or a
majority of them are hereby appointed Commis-
sioners with power from time to time to contract
for, purchase, lease and hold for said corporation
in fee simple or for a term of years, any land, real
estate, spring, brook, water and water course, and
also the right to use and occupy forever or for a
term of years any land, real estate, spring, brook
or water course which they may conceive expe-
dient and, necessary for the purpose of conveying
water into the said city for the use of the said city,
and for the health and convenience of the inhabi-
tants thereof, and also the right to enter, pass
through from time to time as occasion may require,
and to use and occupy the said lands through
which they may deem it necessary to convey the
said water, and they are hereby invested with all
the rights and powers necessary for the introduc-
tion of water into said city; in the event of the
death, resignation removal or refusal to act of
any or either of the said Commissioners, the Mayor
and Councilmen of said city are hereby authorized
and required to fill such vacancy or vacancies.
of Commission-