Authorized to
purchase real
estate, &c.
Sec. T. Be it enacted, That the said Commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, be and they are
hereby authorized to agree with the owner or ow-
ners of any land, real estate, spring, brook, water
or water course, as aforesaid, earth, timber, stone
or other materials which the said Commissioners
may conceive expedient .or necessary to purchase
and hold for the purpose of introducing water into
the said city.
Jury to be
Sec. 8. Be it enacted, That if they, or a ma-
jority of them, cannot agree, or if there be any
incapacity or disability to contract with the owner
or owners of such land, or real estate, spring,
brook, water or water course as aforesaid, earth,
timber, stone or other materials, or with the ow-
ner or owners of such lands through which the
said Commissioners, or a majority of them, may
find it necessary to have a right of entry and pas-
sage for the purpose of conveying the said water
into the said city, or if such owner or owners shall
be absent out of the State, or unknown, it shall be
lawful for the said Commissioners, or a majority
of them, or the Mayor and Councilmen, to apply
to any Justice of the Peace for Allegany county,
who shall thereupon issue his summons, under his
hand and seal, directed to the Sheriff of said coun-
ty, requiring him to summon a jury of twenty
inhabitants of said county not interested in the
property to be valued, to meet on the land or near
the other property to be valued, on a day named
in said summons, not less than nor more than twen-
ty days after the issuing of the same.
Sheriff may
strike off.
Sec. 9. Be it enacted, That if at the time named
in said summons any of said jurors summoned do
not attend, the Sheriff shall immediately summon
as many jurors as may be necessary with the jurors
in attendance, and from them each party or his
agent, or if either be not present in person or by
agent, the Sheriff for him may strike off four jurors,
and the remaining jurors shall act as the jury of
inquest of damages.
Oath to be
Sec. 10. Be it enacted, That the Sheriff shall,
before the said jury shall proceed to act, adminis-
ter to each of them an oath that they will justly
and impartially value the damages which the ow-