Power to pass
by-laws and
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and
Councilmen may pass all such ordinances not con-
trary to the Constitution and laws of this State, as
they may deem necessary for the good government
of said city, they shall have power to remove all
nuisances and obstructions from the streets, lanes
and alleys, and from any lots adjoining thereto,
they shall have power to remove or cause to be
removed any houses or other buildings that may
become dangerous on any account, they shall have
power to cause the streets, lanes, alleys and side-
walks to be paved, repaired and improved, they
shall have power to establish markets, to regulate
the hours and limits thereof, and to regulate the
mode of dealings thereat, they shall have the same
power over the public grounds as over other parts
of the city, but shall not interfere with the title
thereof, they shall have power to ordain all such
rules and regulations as they may deem necessary
for the protection and preservation of the health
of the city and its inhabitants; they shall have
power to establish and regulate a city prison for
the confinement of offenders against the laws and
ordinances of said city; they may from time to
time cause an assessment to be made of all pro-
perty in the city real and personal, by a person or
persons appointed by them, and may levy thereon
a tax not exceeding in any one year fifty cents in
every hundred dollars worth of assessable property,
they shall have power to prevent all nuisances and
annoyances in said city, and may impose such
reasonable fines, forfeitures or imprisonments as
to them may appear necessary for the violation of
any ordinance of the said city; they may pass
ordinances to prohibit or restrain the keeping of
bawdy houses or houses of ill-fame within the
limits of the city; to restrain and prohibit all loose
and suspected persons from resorting to, frequent-
ing or living in any such bawdy house or house
of ill-fame, and to provide for punishing all per-
sons who shall keep, authorise, or suffer to be kept
any such bawdy house or house of ill-fame, and
all loose and suspected persons who shall live,
reside in or resort to any such bawdy house or