Trustees under the provisions of this section shall
be Trustees to all intents and purposes.
Costs of pro-
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the costs of any
proceeding under the last section shall be defray ed
by the Trustees against whom the same shall be
instituted if they shall be removed, otherwise they
shall be defrayed by the corporation, unless the
court shall order them to be paid by any person or
persons at whose instigation the General Assem-
bly or the Governor may have ordered the proceed-
ings; and if the General Assembly or the Gov-
ernor shall think fit, they or he may direct the
name or names of the person or persons instigating
the proceedings to be entered on the records of the
court as relator s.
In force.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That this act shall
continue in force until repealed by the General
Assembly; and the General Assembly may at any
time repeal, alter or amend this act, and it shall
be in force from the day of its passage.
Passed Feb.
26, 1864.
AN ACT for the protection of Fish in all the
creeks and streams of water, and their tribu-
taries, in Allegany county, west of Savage
Protection of
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That any person or persons, throw-
ing, putting or placing lime or any other poisonous
substances, or hauling or fishing with seine or net,
in any of the creeks or streams of water, or any of
their tributaries, west of Savage mountain, in Alle-
gany county, for the purpose of catching, taking,
or destroying fish in any of the said creeks, streams
of water and their tributaries, in said county,.west
of Savage mountain, shall for every such offence,
upon conviction thereof before a Justice of the
Peace of said county, be fined in a sum not less