duty of the Trustees, on the third Monday in Jan-
uary, in each and every year, to exhibit to the
Governor of the State, to be filed in the archives
of the Executive Department, a full report, in wri-
ting, of their proceedings during the past year,
and of the state of the asylum, showing the num-
ber and condition of the inmates, and all matters
necessary to the full understanding of the affairs
and situation of the corporation, which shall be
certified by the path or affirmation of the President
and Secretary, and at least one of the Trustees; it
shall be accompanied by an account or statement,
certified by the oath or affirmation of the Presi-
dent, showing the receipts and expenditures for
the year, and the assets and. pecuniary "condition
of the corporation; it shall be the duty of the Gov-
ernor to cause copies of these papers to be laid be-
fore the General Assembly at its then or next ses-
sion after the receipt of the same.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the records, books,
accounts, papers, grounds and buildings of the said
corporation shall at all times be open to the inspec-
tion and examination of the Governor of the State,
and to such inspection and examination as the
General Assembly of Maryland or any court of jus-
tice may at any time direct; and that the General
Assembly shall always have power, by resolution
or otherwise, to appoint committees of their body
or other persons to inquire into the affairs of said
corporation, who shall have authority to examine,
on oath or affirmation, the Trustees, officers and
servants of the corporation, and any other person,
touching. the affairs of the same.
books, &c., to
be kept open.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That it shall at all
times be lawful for the General Assembly or the
Governor of the State, to cause proceedings to be
instituted by way of bill, in the name of the State,
in any court of the State having original jurisdic-
tion, for the removal of any Trustee or Trustees
who may be guilty of fraud, embezzlement or mis-
application of the funds of the corporation, and
such Trustee or Trustees may, after due investiga-
tion, be removed by such court; and if it shall
happen that all the Trustees shall at any time be
so removed, the charter of the corporation shall
not be forfeited, but a new set of Trustees shall be
appointed by the court, and all persons appointed
in cases of
fraud, &c.