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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 8   View pdf image
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Passed Feb.
2, 1865.

A Bill entitled, AN ACT to refuse to make valid
certain bequests in the last will and testament
of John Smenner, late of Allegany county, de-


WHEREAS, John Smenner, late of Allegany
county, deceased, by his last will and testament,
in writing, and now on record in the office of the
Register of Wills for Allegany county, did devise
and bequeath to certain persons therein named,
sundry sums of money for the use and benefit of
certain religious congregations therein named ; and
whereas, certain memorials have been presented
in favor of, and against making valid the said
bequests, and whereas, sufficient cause has been
shown against rendering valid the said bequests ;

Bequests and
devises render-
ed invalid.

SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Asssem-
bly of Maryland) That all the bequests and devises
made by John Smenner, late of Allegany county,
deceased, by his last will and testament, dated the
thirty-first day of January eighteen hundred and
sixty-three, to certain persons therein named for
the use and benefit of certain religious denomina-
tions therein named, be and are refused to be sanc-
tioned or rendered valid, and the Executor named
in said will is hereby authorized and empowered
to pay over the amount of the said bequests to the
heirs at law or legal representative of the said
John Smenner, who are entitled by law to receive
the same.

In force.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after the date of its passage.

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Session Laws, 1865
Volume 530, Page 8   View pdf image
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