No. 183. An act making appropriations for the support of
the Government for the year ending on the first day of Janu-
ary eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.
No. 184. An act appropriating a sum of money to pay
Josiah Jump, G. N. Taylor, Thomas B. Dell, Randalf &
Hagner, Charles H. Bradford and L. Van Bokkelen, State
Superintendant of Public Instruction.
No. 185. An act appropriating a sum of money sufficient
to procure a full length portrait of the late Governor Thomas
Holliday Hicks, to be placed in the Executive Chamber of
Maryland and a further sum to erect a monument over the
remains whenever he may be finally interred.
No. 186. An act to compensate William P. Eaton, for ser-
vices rendered the State as Captain of Campany F., twelfth
regiment Maryland Volunteer Infantry.
No. 187. An act to repeal sections seventy-one, seventy-
two, seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-five, seventy-six,
seventy-seven and seventy-eight, of Article seventy-five of the
Code of Public General Laws, and to enact substitutes there-
for, so as to carry out the provisions of the ninth section of
Article four, of the Constitution, relating to the removal of
No. 188. An act to incorporate the Maryland Petroleum
Mining and Manufacturing Company, of Allegany county.
No. 189. An act to incorporate the Maryland Floating
Dock and Marine Railway Company.
No. 190. An act to repeal sections forty-four, forty-five,
forty-six and forty-seven, of Article sixty-one, of the Code
of Public General Laws, relating to Mechanics Lien and to
re-enact the same with amendments.
No. 191. An act prohibiting the sale of spirituous or fer-
mented liquors in the several counties of the State on the day
of elections.
No. 192. An act to repeal sections two hundred and ninety-
three, two hundred and ninty-four, two hundred and ninety-
five, two hundred and ninety-six, two hundred and ninety-
seven, two hundred and ninety-eight, two hundred and ninety-
nine, three hundred, three hundred and one, three hundred
and two, three hundred and three, three hundred and four,
three hundred and five, three hundred and six, three hundred
and seven, three hundred and eight, three hundred and nine,
three hundred and ten, three hundred and eleven, three hun-
dred and twelve, three hundred and thirteen, three hundred